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Mainly most importantly Big Pun is a rapper, I mean hes the best rapper. He is the opne of the members of the Terror Squad along with five other members Triple Seis, Cuban Link, Prospect, Armegeaddon, and the leader of the Terror Squad Fat Joe.
Sadly Big Pun Died on Febuary 7 2000. Luckly he just finished recording his second album right before he died. This album will be shore to show the true genus rymes of Big Pun, and just like his last album this one is shore to go platnum.

This summer Terror Squad leader Fat Joe will be coming out with his second album "still jealous ones envy".
Also this summer Terror Squad member Cuban link is coming out with his first album "24k"
What i tell you all "this albumwill be shore to go platnum" and what happened well it went platnum! I even got word and confirmed that Big Pun's "yeeaahh Baby" was in 3rd place for the most sold on Rolling Stone magizene.
Keep Me updated with anymore news you may have heard.
Two fifth grade students Kelvin and Melvin Sosa are the head of a campaign to rename 163rd street after Big Punisher. With help from the owner of the currently "Hot Spot" (cd store), so far they have 3,000 signatures for the new name.